- Oncology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Cardiac sciences
- Orthopaedics & Joints Replacement
- Neuro Science and Neuro Surgery
- Minimal Access & General Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Infertility & IVF
- Urology
- Dermatology
- Plastic Surgery
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Emergency & Trauma
- Critical Care & Anaesthesiology
- Internal Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Radiology & Imaging
- Dental
- Dietetics
- Laboratory
- Blood Bank
- Physiotherapy
- Preventive Health checks
- Bone Marrow Transplant
- Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine
- Endocrinology & Diabetes
The Institute of Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Sciences at Medicant Hospital specializes in the prevention, comprehensive evaluation and treatment of diseases of the GI tract, liver, pancreas and bile ducts. It is supported by a dynamic team of interventional radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, endocrinologists and nutritionists. The department also conducts a comprehensive metabolic surgery and weight loss program.